An Introduction To CSS TWEAKING - The Future Of Distance Swim Training

CSS training is a great way to improve your swim fitness for any race distance over 400m. It focuses on your fitness around your lactate threshold - developing your ability to sustain a strong pace over a long period of time. In Swim Smooth parlance, we call this "Becoming A Diesel Engine".

Up until now to work out the speed you should be swimming during a CSS session you need to perform the CSS Test - a training session where you swim a 400m time-trial followed by a 200m time-trial. You put the two times you achieve in the CSS calculator on the Swim Smooth website here or use the more advanced analysis in the Swim Smooth Coaching System here.

These calculators spit out your CSS pace per 100m, which you then program into a Finis Tempo Trainer Pro to accurately target during your training sessions.

CSS training works brilliantly but there's a few common problems with the CSS test itself:

- We recommend you retest every 4 to 6 weeks, however you can make some quite large improvements week by week, meaning your fitness might have moved on without you taking account of it.

- The calculation to find your CSS pace is very sensitive. If you pace your 400 or 200 wrongly and end up with a slower time than you are actually capable of, then the calculated CSS pace can be wrong (either too fast or too slow).

- The CSS test itself takes up a valuable training session and since it's only 600m of fast swimming, it has little benefit as a training session in its own right.

That's not ideal but don't worry, there is a solution coming - it's called "CSS Tweaking" and it's the future of training for distance swimming!

CSS Tweaking

Tweaking is a clever Swim Smooth algorithm that adjusts your CSS pace as the weeks and months go by without you having to perform the CSS Test. It's simplicity itself and it's included in version 2 of the Swim Smooth Coaching System which we're launching next week (more on that below).

Say your current CSS pace is 1:50/100m and you swim a great session, hitting the target times nicely or even getting slightly ahead of your beeper. In the system just tap the "Bold" button, or if you were really feeling great then use the "Heroic" button! The app will automatically "tweak" your CSS pace by just the right amount for your next session:

(click image to expand)

Conversely, if you were finding things hard, hit the "Off-Day" or "Bad Patch" buttons - tweaking things to be slightly slower for the next swim.

With a little bit of Swim Smooth magic the tweaking algorithm adjusts your pace week by week and session by session to make sure you are always swimming the right speed for your fitness at that exact point in time - genius!

Not Just Tracking But Actively Leading

What's more, because the tweaking process anticipates the small fitness gain you get from a good session, you are actively leading your fitness forwards. These fitness improvements are very small session by session but incrementally they add up over many weeks of training to some very significant improvements.

Get your training right using the tweaking process and over 8 weeks we often see between 4 and 10 seconds per 100m improvement in CSS pace! And of course the new system tracks this for you over time so you can see your progress:

The beauty of CSS training is that it gives you maximum fitness gains for minimum fatigue. Plus because you swim fast but the pace is controlled, it allows you to maintain your stroke technique during the session. And now by 'tweaking' you can achieve all this without the potentially confusing results or the interruption to your training of the CSS test.

The training effect of CSS tweaking combined with using a Tempo Trainer Pro is way beyond what you can achieve using any other training method or swimming gadget. Even swim watches, which are great for counting lengths and timing swims, only give you feedback. They don't pro-actively lead you forwards.

The Guru Is Coming

If you're excited by this new tweaking process (and we hope you are!) this is just one of many features we've added into Version 2 of the Swim Smooth Coaching System which we're launching on May 4th next week:

You might have seen a few snippets on social media about this cuddly character - he's the new face of Version 2 offering you tips and advice from within the system. In fact we're renaming the whole system "The Swim Smooth Guru" :
Guru says: Don't fear training - fast it will make you!

We can't wait to tell you about all the other new features of V2 on next week's blog!

Swim Smooth!

Cramp When You Swim? Some Tips To Shake It

SS Clinics and Camps:

United Kingdom

Salisbury 1to1 Analysis

Twickenham Video Analysis

Lancaster SS Squad

Lancaster Video Analysis

Northampton Swim Squad

Acton London Video Analysis

Birmingham Video Analysis Clinic

Cardiff Video Analysis Clinic

Pre-Blenheim Freestyle & OW Course 25th April

Northampton Video Analysis Clinic

Yorkshire Squads (Pool & OW)

Yorkshire Video Analysis

West Lothian Video Analysis

Richmond SS Squad

Video Analysis Workshop Reading May

Richmond / Wimbledon Workshops


Prague Junior Swim Club

Dublin Video Analysis

Prague Video Analysis

Lanzarote Swim Camp March 2016

Swim/Tri Camps Alicante

Asia & North America

Hong Kong Video Analysis

Dubai December Video Analysis Workshops

SS Clinic Connecticut April 15

Hong Kong Squads & Video Analysis

3 Day Camp, Florida April 1-3

NYC / SC Video Analysis

Getting cramp when you swim is not only unpleasant but can be a serious disruption to your training. Worse still, in races it can completely ruin your performance. So what can you do to avoid this annoying problem?

Cramp isn't completely understood in the medical and sports science worlds but there’s definitely some risk factors unique to swimming:

- Swimming in a pool or open water the lower leg gets cooled by the water - this happens even in a wetsuit.

- Swimming with good technique with your toes pointed holds the calf muscles in a shortened state.

- Swimming a length with the lower leg doing relatively little and then suddenly flexing and pushing off hard from the end of the pool places a great deal of stress on the calf and foot muscles.

These three factors combine to mean that swimmers tend to suffer from cramp more than in other sports, particularly in the lower leg. If you do suffer from cramp when you swim here’s some tips to try and improve the situation:

- Make sure you’re not dehydrated before swimming - a leading cause of cramp.

- Drinking coffee before swimming seems to be a factor for many swimmers (over and above the dehydrating effects) - try cutting it out.

- Introduce a regular stretching routine on the foot and calves; gently perform these stretches before swimming. Our recommended routine is the Swim Smooth Coach System here.

- If you have quite large calf muscles then the tightness of a wetsuit over them can squeeze the muscles and cause cramp. This is one reason why we designed calf-releases into HUUB wetsuits to reduce the pressure on the calf:

- In races, warm-up properly beforehand if at all possible. Going from cold to full-pace swimming without a warm-up places a lot of stress on the body.

- You could try drinking a source of quinine (e.g. tonic water) before swimming as this has been shown to be effective in reducing cramp for some people. (Sorry, you'll have to pass on the gin with tonic water!)

- If it’s a major problem for your swimming you could try some regular sports massage on the effected muscles in the build up to a key race - helping to remove any knots and flush out waste products.

- Too little potassium, calcium or magnesium in your diet can contribute to cramping. A balanced diet containing these minerals is recommended but you could also experiment with taking a salt tablet a couple of hours before swimming to see if it helps.

- Swimming with fins can cause cramp in the foot and calves. Make sure you are using a long flexible fin or avoid longer fin based drill sets.

Unfortunately there's no silver-bullet to curing cramp but hopefully the tips above will help alleviate the symptoms.

Let us know your own experiences by posting on the blog comments here!

Swim Smooth!

2016 HUUB Wetsuits Are Go & Open Water Training In The UK

The open water season is about to start in the northern hemisphere and our Certified Swim Smooth Coaches are busy readying their venues for the lighter evenings and warmer weather ahead.

If you're intending to enter any events involving open water it's essential to practise your open water skills to develop your confidence and competence swimming in the great outdoors. So, find your local session from the list below and get some great Swim Smooth coaching whilst having a lot of fun at the same time!

The 2016 HUUBs Are Here!

Fresh from the HUUB factory, the 2016 HUUB wetsuits have just touched down this week and are now on sale in our Swim Smooth shop:

Super fast: Helen Jenkins and Richard Varga model
the new Atana and Aerious 2

Every HUUB wetsuit has design input from Swim Smooth to ensure it is matched to your individual stroke characteristics. This means you instantly swim faster and feel more comfortable in the right HUUB for you.

Also featuring fluid dynamic expertise from Prof Huub and design innovation by Dean Jackson - the brand new 2016 Atana and Aerious 2 wetsuits are faster than ever!

A few of the models have limited stock so don't delay and secure yours today.

Can't quite stretch to the price on a new suit? You can also hire a HUUB from us: full details here

Swim Smooth!


SS Coach Annie Oberlin-Harris, Heron Lake, Staines and Berinsfield, Oxfordshire, UK
Beginner and open water skills:!openwatersessions/cgmr
One to one coaching also available:!openwatersessions/cgmr

SS Coach Morgan Williams, Blue Lagoon, Doncaster, UK 
Open water squad:
Workshops throughout the summer for all levels:

SS Coach Fiona Ford, Heron Lake, Staines, UK
Open water squads and one to one sessions:

SS Coach Emma Brunning, Lake Windermere, UK
Beginner sessions:
Open water squad:

SS Coach Steve Bailey, Ellingham, Hampshire , UK
Coached sessions:

Remembering A Triathlon Legend And Direct Influence On Swim Smooth

SS Clinics and Camps:

United Kingdom

Richmond / Wimbledon Workshops

Salisbury 1to1 Analysis

Twickenham Video Analysis

Lancaster SS Squad

Lancaster Video Analysis

Northampton Swim Squad

Acton London Video Analysis

Birmingham Video Analysis Clinic

Cardiff Video Analysis Clinic

Pre-Blenheim Freestyle & OW Course 25th April

Northampton Video Analysis Clinic

Yorkshire Squads (Pool & OW)

Yorkshire Video Analysis

West Lothian Video Analysis

Richmond SS Squad

Video Analysis Workshop Reading April


Swim/Tri Camps Alicante

Prague Junior Swim Club

Dublin Video Analysis

Prague Video Analysis

Lanzarote Swim Camp March 2016

Asia & North America

NYC / SC Video Analysis

Hong Kong Video Analysis

Dubai December Video Analysis Workshops

SS Clinic Connecticut April 15

Hong Kong Squads & Video Analysis

3 Day Camp, Florida April 1-3
A personal post from our head Coach Paul Newsome this week:
A personal post from our head Coach Paul Newsome this week:

I was deeply saddened late last month to learn of the untimely passing of one of the biggest idols, heroes and influencers of my athletic and coaching life, the great Julian Jenkinson.

Julian was taken from us suddenly at the age of just 49 from a heart condition whilst out riding his bike - something he was very good at - on his home turf in the New Forest in the UK. Julian had held the British Ironman record at an incredible 8h15m for some 13 years and was still knocking out in excess of 1,000km per month on the bike at the time of his passing. He leaves behind his partner of some 17 years, Erica, whom he wed just 6 months ago. 

Besides a great athletic background, Julian was also renowned as a property tycoon down in the Southampton area, owning in excess of 200 student properties (see link: The story of how this all came about is shrouded in folklore but as I recall it directly from Julian, he was unfortunate enough to have been knocked off his bicycle in the 90s whilst out on a training ride in the USA. The driver wanted to settle for his damages out of court and with this compensation Julian was faced with the prospect of either buying some fancy new carbon fibre race wheels, or listen to the advice of his friend and invest in the relatively affordable Southampton property market, something he did with aplomb - and then some!

I first met Julian when I was studying Sport & Exercise Science at Bath University (1997 to 2001) where I was also fortunate enough to be on the World Class triathlon program. Those were simply electric days at Bath University for a young influential sponge like myself - the entire British triathlon team was based there at that time. It was like a who’s-who of triathlon and as a young whipper-snapper I’d feel like I was perpetually in a state of awe at the fortune I had to be learning my craft from the very best.

Five times world triathlon champion Simon Lessing and Olympic hopeful was of course the biggest name to train there in Bath during that period, but it was long-course athlete Julian Jenkinson who - along with the fantastic coaching team of Chris Jones, Richard Hobson and Robin Brew - really inspired me to be the best that I could be as an athlete. Little did I know at the time just how much Julian’s support, encouragement and influence would go on to have in my more recent coaching career. In fact, for those of you who know me well and experienced first hand my fastidiousness for proper pacing and the benefits this can have, you really have Julian to thank for that. In many ways, his influence and encouragement inspired everything that is at the essence of Swim Smooth.

Julian had this unique ability to really drill-down to the core of what people needed to know and do to be the very best that they can be. In reading many of the remembrances penned by his fellow athletes, friends and colleagues - it is evident in their words that Julian held a similar role-modelling position in all their hearts and minds too. He will be deeply and widely missed.

I want this week to dedicate and share a brand new 5km Red Mist endurance session in Julian’s name - something, I hope, he’d have really enjoyed himself. My squad here in Perth had the fortune to try it first themselves and by all accounts it was very well received. I hope you will join us in having a go with this session yourself, see below.

Of all the snippets of information and advice that Julian passed on to me in Bath, it is without doubt his emphasis on pace awareness and the mental control that this takes when everyone else is racing off ahead of you, that stands out the clearest. In fact “becoming a diesel engine” is a term of expression I coined from Jules, who was quite literally the greatest diesel engine I’ve ever met. 

Every Tuesday evening we’d have a 10 to 12km tempo run at the University of Bath around the campus, winding in and out of the 1960s concrete jungle hovering up there on the hill well above the beautiful Roman City below. As a massively excited teenager and wannabe triathlete superstar (we all were!), it was all too tempting to go off like the clappers each Tuesday night to try and stay with the Big Guns. Of course this was great for the first 5km or so, but then I’d blow my doors off and end up being caught, and passed, by the back markers time and again. In my head I believed that one day I’d just be able to hang on to this break-neck pace, but it wasn’t until Jules took me aside and literally forced me to run side-by-side with him all night that I finally started to understand the value of pacing. I had a great run that night - possibly my best ever - and the memory of it today is as visceral as if it were yesterday, not nearly 20 years ago! 

To this day - as this sad event has caused me much reflection - I can now clearly see that all of my best ever races have been done with good pacing. I never did manage to hang with the Big Guns when the Big Guns were clearly too fast from the outset, but in my heart of hearts I’d like to believe it was Julian’s pearls of wisdom that spoke sense to me on the 8th June 2013 when I actively forced myself to slow down and recognise that my early pace was just too great to survive 28.5 miles (46km) in the frigid, dirty waters around Manhattan Island in New York. I waved goodbye to the early leaders thinking I’d never see them again and resigned myself to - at best - a top-10 finish, but low and behold that little seed that Julian had so firmly implanted in my head some 15 years earlier started to sprout and came roaring to the fore as I crept back up on those leaders and took the lead myself with only 15km completed, and some 5 hours of racing to go. The empowerment and sense of satisfaction this created filled me with massive confidence that day and through the mental control that Julian had shown me how to play out like a poker game, I went on to win my biggest ever victory. It was the perfect race. The perfect result. Brought about by good preparation and an exceedingly well executed pacing strategy that I’d learnt all those years ago from a man who stands quite simply at the top of list of those that have inspired me over the years.

Someone recently tried to complement me with some feedback that what they love about Swim Smooth is how it seems to have grown totally organically given the perception that in the last 12 years we’ve been instrumental in changing the world view on many aspects of efficient freestyle swimming. A “game-changer” she called us. I couldn’t accept her complement though (as nice as it was) as we’re all products of the advice and influences we’ve been fortunate enough to have experienced over the years. So, if you’ve found that our advice on training strategies and particularly pace awareness have really helped you, that’s great, but it’s Julian you should be thanking. I thank you for reading this post this week as it means a lot to me for Jules to be recognised in this manner.

Here’s the set on the squad board:

Swim the:
Lane 1 column if your CSS pace is around 1:48 /100m
Lane 2 column if your CSS pace is around 1:34 /100m
Lane 3 column if your CSS pace is around 1:27 /100m
Lane 4 column if your CSS pace is around 1:20 /100m

Bear in mind that the squad swimming this session are our strongest fastest group and if your CSS pace is slower than 1:50/100m you might want to tone down the session slightly.

After a warm-up of 500m including drills, the main set commences and is itself broken down into six parts:

Parts 1, 3 and 5 are multiple intervals of increasing distance (from 200m to 400m) and involve you setting your Tempo Trainer Pro to a progressively tighter RM Cycle (see here for RM Cycle calculations). All you have to do here is beat the beeper to form your rest, but you need to show control here as burning all your matches in one go will result in a massive blow-up later in the set.

Parts 2, 4 and 6 are longer intervals (400m, 600m and 800m) on a very specific target pace based on your current CSS pace. Set the beeper to notify you of your pacing every 25m in the 400m, every 50m in the 600m and every 100m in the 800m. Reducing the frequency of this pacing reminder in this way really requires you to be in control of your pacing otherwise it will be “goodnight Vienna” very rapidly. This is also progressive in that you’re expected to hold a faster time for the final 800m than you swam for the 400m at the start. Not easy! As you can see, all nine of our sub-groups hit their target times on the 400m, one group missed their target on the 600m and only 5 out of 8 sub-groups hit their targets for the 800m - was this because they were overly excitable in Parts 1, 3 and 5? You’ll find out yourself by giving it a try!

In memory of a great athlete, a huge influence on myself and Swim Smooth generally, and most importantly, a great friend. Rest In Peace Julian Jenkinson, you’ll never be forgotten.

Paul Newsome

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